Mr Robert (Bob) Stevens Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer – Lockheed Martin was in Australia on March 30, 2009 and met with Marand Precision Engineering’s senior management team including David Ellul, managing director and Rohan Stocker, general manager.

The discussion centered around the company’s future plans and aspirations with regards to continuing business with Lockheed Martin.

As the most senior Lockheed Martin executive, Mr Stevens leads the world’s largest defence contracting company by revenue – 2008 sales were US$42.7 billion, the company employs around 150,000 people worldwide.

Most notably, Lockheed Martin is the company responsible for the next (5th) generation stealth defence aircraft the F-35 Lightening II Joint Strike Fighter.
Deliveries of this aircraft are due to commence in 2010 and go beyond 2030. It is anticipated that Australia will sign up for the aircraft alongside other nations such as the US and the UK, Turkey and a number of European countries.

Marand was the first company in the world to receive a contract for the design and development of ground support equipment for the JSF program in June 2003.

Since then the company has delivered a number of these engine installation and removal trailers as part of the contract with Lockheed Martin, and Marand has continuing orders for these into the future.

In addition Marand has been contracted to supply other equipment for the program including tooling for the manufacture of advanced composite parts.
While at Marand, Mr Stevens took the opportunity to personally present Marand with a plaque commemorating its work with the F-35 program: in appreciation of the F-35 Program, Control Surface and Edge Tooling Initiative and your support of Lockheed Martin Palmdale Site operations.

Marand Managing Director, David Ellul reinforced the commitment of Marand to the F-35 Lightening II Joint Strike Fighter Program. “Our success on the program so far has given me the confidence to invest in Marand’s processes, equipment and employees. I’m proud of the work completed thus far and excited about the future,” he said.


David Ellul, Managing Director – Marand with Mr Bob Stevens President, Chairman and CEO – Lockheed Martin. In the background JSF engine removal & installation trailers.

David Ellul, Managing Director – Marand with Mr Bob Stevens President, Chairman and CEO – Lockheed Martin with the plaque presented by Lockheed Martin.

Media Enquiries

Alex Lyon
+61 417 384 223